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Старый 29.01.2014, 00:24   #11
Аватар для Nerd
Регистрация: 22.02.2011
Сообщений: 901
Написано 480 полезных сообщений
(для 1,471 пользователей)
Ответ: Воровской тред

А эта штука меняет аватарку на булке каждые 6 секунд:

SeedRnd MilliSecs()
Global tmp_dir$ = SystemProperty("tempdir")

login$ = "Nerd"
paswd$ = "ahuehuehue" ;(не настоящий, да)

tag$ = "Konata"

useGoogle = 1
useBoors = 1

paswd_md5$ = md5(paswd)

While Not KeyHit(1)
    Delay 6000
            q$ =        "--"+POST_BOUND
             q = q + "~Content-Disposition: form-Data; name="+Chr(34)+"s"+Chr(34)
             q = q + "~"
             q = q + "~"
             q = q + "~--"+POST_BOUND
             q = q + "~Content-Disposition: form-Data; name="+Chr(34)+"do"+Chr(34)
             q = q + "~"
             q = q + "~updateavatar"
             q = q + "~--"+POST_BOUND
             q = q + "~Content-Disposition: form-Data; name="+Chr(34)+"avatarid"+Chr(34)
             q = q + "~"
             q = q + "~0"
             q = q + "~--"+POST_BOUND
             q = q + "~Content-Disposition: form-Data; name="+Chr(34)+"avatarurl"+Chr(34)
             q = q + "~"
             q = q + "~http://www."
             q = q + "~--"+POST_BOUND
             q = q + "~Content-Disposition: form-Data; name="+Chr(34)+"MAX_FILE_SIZE"+Chr(34)
             q = q + "~"
             q = q + "~2097152000"
             q = q + "~--"+POST_BOUND
             q = q + "~Content-Disposition: form-Data; name="+Chr(34)+"upload"+Chr(34)+"; filename="+Chr(34)+"g_img.jpg"+Chr(34)
             q = q + "~Content-Type: image/jpeg"
             q = q + "~"
             q = q + "~"


Function SearchImage$(tag$,google,boors)
    src = Rand(0,1)
    If (src=0 And google) Or (boors=0)

                            tag = Replace(tag," ","%20")
                            gq$ = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/images?v=1.0&q="+tag+"&as_filetype=jpg&start="+Rand(1,10)+"&imgsz=medium"
                            r$ = g_Get(gq,"ajax.googleapis.com","ajax.googleapis.com")
                            If Mid(r,30,1)="]"
                                tag = Rand(0,10000)
                                Return SearchImage(tag,1,0)
                            For i = 1 To Rand(1,4)
                                r = Right(r,Len(r)-Instr(r,"unescapedUrl")-14)
                            r = Left(r,Instr(r,Chr(34))-1)
                        img = LoadImage(tmp_dir+"\g_img.jpg")
                        If Not img Then Return SearchImage(tag,1,0)
                        FreeImage img
                        Return tmp_dir+"\g_img.jpg"
                Select Rand(0,0)
                    Case 0 ;DANBOORU
                        pg$ = g_Get("http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?utf8=0&tags="+tag,"danbooru.donmai.us","danbooru.donmai.us","")                        
                                pg = Right(pg,Len(pg)-Instr(pg,"...</li><li><a href="+Chr(34)+"/posts?&page="))
                                pg = Right(pg,Len(pg)-Instr(pg,"utf8=0"+Chr(34)+">")-7)
                                pg = Left(pg,Instr(pg,"<")-1)
                            pages = pg
                                If pages = 0 Then Return SearchImage(tag,1,0)
                        pg = g_Get("http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?utf8=0&tags="+tag+"&page="+Rand(1,pages),"danbooru.donmai.us","danbooru.donmai.us","")
                                delimeter$ = "<div id="+Chr(34)+"posts"+Chr(34)+">"
                            For i = 0 To Rand(0,16)
                                pgo$ = pg
                                pg = Right(pg,Len(pg)-Instr(pg,delimeter))
                                If Instr(pg,delimeter)=0 Then
                                    pg = pgo
                                pg = Right(pg,Len(pg)-Instr(pg,"<article id=")-17)
                                pg = Left(pg,Instr(pg,Chr(34)))
                                postnum = pg
                            pg = g_Get("http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/"+postnum,"danbooru.donmai.us","danbooru.donmai.us","")
                                pg = Right(pg,Len(pg)-Instr(pg,"Size: <a href=")-14)
                                pg = Left(pg,Instr(pg,Chr(34)+">")-1)
                End Select
End Function

Type g_Cookie
    Field name$,dat$
End Type

Function SetCookie(name$,dat$)
    For i_c.g_Cookie = Each g_Cookie
        If i_c\name = name Then
            i_c\dat = dat
        i_c = New g_Cookie
            i_c\name = name
            i_c\dat = dat
End Function

Function GetCookie$(name$)
    For i_c.g_Cookie = Each g_Cookie
        If i_c\name = name Then
            Return i_c\dat
End Function

Function g_Get$(url$,server_ip$,server_host$,head$="")
    st = MilliSecs()
    timeout = 8000
        Local res$
    Local ns = OpenTCPStream(server_ip,80)
        If ns = 0 Then Return

    Local getq$ = "GET "+url+" HTTP/1.1\nHost: "+server_host
    getq = getq + "\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0"
    getq = getq + "\nAccept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"
    getq = getq + "\nAccept-Language: ru-RU,ru;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3"
    getq = getq + "\nConnection: close"
    ;getq = getq + "\n"+head
    getq = getq + "\nCookie: "
    For i_c.g_Cookie = Each g_Cookie
        ;getq = getq + "\nCookie: "+i_c\name+" = "+i_c\dat
        getq = getq + i_c\name+"="+i_c\dat+";"
    getq = Left(getq,Len(getq)-1)
    getq = getq +"\n"+Chr(10)
    WriteLine ns,Replace(getq,"\n",Chr(13)+Chr(10))

        While ReadAvail(ns)=0
            ;Delay 10
            If (MilliSecs()-st)>timeout Then Return ""

        While ReadAvail(ns)
            If (MilliSecs()-st)>timeout Then Return ""
             ;res = res+Chr(ReadByte(ns))
            ln$ = ReadLine(ns)
            ;DebugLog ln
            res = res + ln + Chr(13)+Chr(10)

                Local header$ = Left(res,Instr(res,Chr(13)+Chr(10)+Chr(13)+Chr(10)))
                    While Instr(header,"Set-Cookie")
                            header = Right(header,Len(header)-Instr(header,"Set-Cookie")-11)
                        Local cn$ = Left(header,Instr(header,"=")-1)
                        Local cd$ = Mid(header,Instr(header,"=")+1,Instr(header,Chr(13))-Instr(header,"=") )
                              cd = Left(cd,Instr(cd,";")-1)
                        ;DebugLog "COOKIE: "+cn+" = "+cd
                res = Right(res,Len(res)-(Instr(res,Chr(13)+Chr(10)+Chr(13)+Chr(10)))-3)
    Return res
End Function

Function g_Post$(url$,server_ip$,server_host$,head$,post$,fileupload$="")
        Local res$
    Local ns = OpenTCPStream(server_ip,80)
        If ns = 0 Then Return

    Local getq$ = "POST "+url+" HTTP/1.1\nHost: "+server_host

    getq = getq + "\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0"
    getq = getq + "\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    getq = getq + "\nAccept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"
    getq = getq + "\nAccept-Language: ru-RU,ru;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3"
    ;getq = getq + "\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate"
    ;Print Len(post)
    getq = getq + "\nConnection: close"
    getq = getq + "\nContent-Length: "+(Len(post)+FileSize(fileupload))
    ;getq = getq + "\n"+head
    getq = getq + "\nCookie: "
    For i_c.g_Cookie = Each g_Cookie
        ;getq = getq + "\nCookie: "+i_c\name+" = "+i_c\dat
        getq = getq + i_c\name+"="+i_c\dat+";"
    getq = Left(getq,Len(getq)-1)

    getq = getq + "\n\n"+post

    If fileupload=""
        WriteLine ns,Replace(getq,"\n",Chr(13)+Chr(10))
        getq = Replace(getq,"\n",Chr(13)+Chr(10))
        For i = 0 To Len(getq)-1
        f = ReadFile(fileupload)
        While Not Eof(f)
        ;Print Len(getq)

        While ReadAvail(ns)=0
            ;Delay 10
            Delay 300
        While ReadAvail(ns)
             ;res = res+Chr(ReadByte(ns))
            ln$ = ReadLine(ns)
            ;DebugLog ln
            res = res + ln + Chr(13)+Chr(10)
                Local header$ = Left(res,Instr(res,Chr(13)+Chr(10)+Chr(13)+Chr(10)))
                    While Instr(header,"Set-Cookie")
                            header = Right(header,Len(header)-Instr(header,"Set-Cookie")-11)
                        Local cn$ = Left(header,Instr(header,"=")-1)
                        Local cd$ = Mid(header,Instr(header,"=")+1,Instr(header,Chr(13))-Instr(header,"=") )
                              cd = Left(cd,Instr(cd,";")-1)
                        ;DebugLog "COOKIE: "+cn+" = "+cd
                ;res = Right(res,Len(res)-(Instr(res,Chr(13)+Chr(10)+Chr(13)+Chr(10)))-3)
                res = Right(res,Len(res)-(Instr(res,Chr(10)+Chr(10)))-3)
    Return res
End Function

Const POST_BOUND$ = "---------------------------155691459114627"

Function g_Post2$(url$,server_ip$,server_host$,head$,post$,fileupload$="")

        Local res$
    Local ns = OpenTCPStream(server_ip,80)
        If ns = 0 Then Return

    Local getq$ = "POST "+url+" HTTP/1.1~Host: "+server_host
    getq = getq + "~User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0"
    getq = getq + "~Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"
    getq = getq + "~Accept-Language: ru-RU,ru;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3"
    getq = getq + "~Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate"
    getq = getq + "~Referer: http://forum.boolean.name/profile.php?do=editavatar"

    getq = getq + "~Cookie: "
    For i_c.g_Cookie = Each g_Cookie
        getq = getq + i_c\name+"="+i_c\dat+";"
    getq = Left(getq,Len(getq)-1)
    getq = getq + "~Connection: close"
    getq = getq + "~Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary="+POST_BOUND

    getq = getq + "~Content-Length: "+(57230-56515+FileSize(fileupload)) ;(Len(post)+FileSize(fileupload))+Len(POST_BOUND)+8
;Print (Len(post)+FileSize(fileupload))+Len(POST_BOUND)+8
    getq = getq + "~~"+post

        getq_b = CreateBank(Len(getq))
        i2 = -1
        For i = 1 To Len(getq)
            i2 = i2 + 1
                If Mid(getq,i,1)="~" Then
                        If (i2+2)>BankSize(getq_b) Then ResizeBank(getq_b,BankSize(getq_b)+3)
                    PokeByte getq_b,i2,13
                    PokeByte getq_b,i2+1,10
                    i2 = i2 + 1
                        If (i2+1)>BankSize(getq_b) Then ResizeBank(getq_b,BankSize(getq_b)+2)
                        ;Print i2+"/"+BankSize(getq_b)
                    PokeByte getq_b,i2,Asc(Mid(getq,i,1))

    If fileupload=""
        WriteLine ns,Replace(getq,"~",Chr(13)+Chr(10))
            ;ns = WriteFile("test.txt")
        ;getq = Replace(getq,"\n",Chr(13)+Chr(10))

            ;Print Len(getq)
        ;For i = 1 To Len(getq)
        ;    WriteByte(ns,Mid(getq,i,1))
        For i = 0 To BankSize(getq_b)-1
            ;If PeekByte(getq_b,i)=0 Then Exit
        f = ReadFile(fileupload)
        While Not Eof(f)


        While ReadAvail(ns)=0
            ;Delay 10
            Delay 300
        While ReadAvail(ns)
             ;res = res+Chr(ReadByte(ns))
            ln$ = ReadLine(ns)
            ;DebugLog ln
            res = res + ln + Chr(13)+Chr(10)
                Local header$ = Left(res,Instr(res,Chr(13)+Chr(10)+Chr(13)+Chr(10)))
                    While Instr(header,"Set-Cookie")
                            header = Right(header,Len(header)-Instr(header,"Set-Cookie")-11)
                        Local cn$ = Left(header,Instr(header,"=")-1)
                        Local cd$ = Mid(header,Instr(header,"=")+1,Instr(header,Chr(13))-Instr(header,"=") )
                              cd = Left(cd,Instr(cd,";")-1)
                        ;DebugLog "COOKIE: "+cn+" = "+cd
                ;res = Right(res,Len(res)-(Instr(res,Chr(13)+Chr(10)+Chr(13)+Chr(10)))-3)
                res = Right(res,Len(res)-(Instr(res,Chr(10)+Chr(10)))-3)
    Return res
End Function

;This array needs to be here for Blitz
Dim MD5_x(0)

;?????? ?????????????

Function MD5$(sMessage$)

;Pads the String as per the MD5 standard
nblk = ((Len(sMessage$) + 8) Shr 6) + 1  ;number of 16-word blocks

Dim MD5_x(nblk * 16 - 1)
;Zero pad the string
For i = 0 To nblk * 16 - 1
MD5_x(i) = 0
;Convert to array of "words"
For i = 0 To (Len(sMessage$) - 1)
MD5_x((i Shr 2)) = MD5_x((i Shr 2)) Or (Asc(Mid(sMessage$, (i + 1), 1)) Shl ((i Mod 4) * 8))
MD5_x((i Shr 2)) = MD5_x((i Shr 2)) Or (128 Shl (((i) Mod 4) * 8))
MD5_x(nblk * 16 - 2) = Len(sMessage$) * 8

;Set initial values
MD5_a = 1732584193 ;&H67452301
MD5_b = -271733879 ;&HEFCDAB89
MD5_c = -1732584194 ;&H98BADCFE
MD5_d = 271733878 ;&H10325476

;Loop through the words
For k = 0 To (nblk * 16 - 1) Step 16
MD5_AA = MD5_a
MD5_BB = MD5_b
MD5_CC = MD5_c
MD5_DD = MD5_d
;Round 1
MD5_a = MD5_FF(MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_x(k + 0), 7, -680876936) ;&HD76AA478
MD5_d = MD5_FF(MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_x(k + 1), 12, -389564586) ;&HE8C7B756
MD5_c = MD5_FF(MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_x(k + 2), 17, 606105819 );&H242070DB
MD5_b = MD5_FF(MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_x(k + 3), 22, -1044525330) ;&HC1BDCEEE
MD5_a = MD5_FF(MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_x(k + 4), 7, -176418897) ;&HF57C0FAF
MD5_d = MD5_FF(MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_x(k + 5), 12, 1200080426 );&H4787C62A
MD5_c = MD5_FF(MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_x(k + 6), 17, -1473231341) ;&HA8304613
MD5_b = MD5_FF(MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_x(k + 7), 22, -45705983) ;&HFD469501
MD5_a = MD5_FF(MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_x(k + 8), 7, 1770035416) ;&H698098D8
MD5_d = MD5_FF(MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_x(k + 9), 12, -1958414417 );&H8B44F7AF
MD5_c = MD5_FF(MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_x(k + 10), 17, -42063 );&HFFFF5BB1
MD5_b = MD5_FF(MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_x(k + 11), 22, -1990404162) ;&H895CD7BE
MD5_a = MD5_FF(MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_x(k + 12), 7, 1804603682) ;&H6B901122
MD5_d = MD5_FF(MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_x(k + 13), 12, -40341101) ;&HFD987193
MD5_c = MD5_FF(MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_x(k + 14), 17, -1502002290) ;&HA679438E
MD5_b = MD5_FF(MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_x(k + 15), 22, 1236535329) ;&H49B40821
;Round 2
MD5_a = MD5_GG(MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_x(k + 1), 5, -165796510) ;&HF61E2562
MD5_d = MD5_GG(MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_x(k + 6), 9, -1069501632) ;&HC040B340
MD5_c = MD5_GG(MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_x(k + 11), 14, 643717713) ;&H265E5A51
MD5_b = MD5_GG(MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_x(k + 0), 20, -373897302) ;&HE9B6C7AA
MD5_a = MD5_GG(MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_x(k + 5), 5, -701558691) ;&HD62F105D
MD5_d = MD5_GG(MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_x(k + 10), 9, 38016083) ;&H2441453
MD5_c = MD5_GG(MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_x(k + 15), 14, -660478335) ;&HD8A1E681
MD5_b = MD5_GG(MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_x(k + 4), 20, -405537848) ;&HE7D3FBC8
MD5_a = MD5_GG(MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_x(k + 9), 5, 568446438) ;&H21E1CDE6
MD5_d = MD5_GG(MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_x(k + 14), 9, -1019803690) ;&HC33707D6
MD5_c = MD5_GG(MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_x(k + 3), 14, -187363961) ;&HF4D50D87
MD5_b = MD5_GG(MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_x(k + 8), 20, 1163531501) ;&H455A14ED
MD5_a = MD5_GG(MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_x(k + 13), 5, -1444681467) ;&HA9E3E905
MD5_d = MD5_GG(MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_x(k + 2), 9, -51403784) ;&HFCEFA3F8
MD5_c = MD5_GG(MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_x(k + 7), 14, 1735328473) ;&H676F02D9
MD5_b = MD5_GG(MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_x(k + 12), 20, -1926607734) ;&H8D2A4C8A
;Round 3
MD5_a =  MD5_HH(MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_x(k + 5), 4, -378558) ;&HFFFA3942
MD5_d =  MD5_HH(MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_x(k + 8), 11, -2022574463) ;&H8771F681
MD5_c = MD5_HH(MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_x(k + 11), 16, 1839030562) ;&H6D9D6122
MD5_b = MD5_HH(MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_x(k + 14), 23, -35309556) ;&HFDE5380C
MD5_a =  MD5_HH(MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_x(k + 1), 4, -1530992060) ;&HA4BEEA44
MD5_d = MD5_HH(MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_x(k + 4), 11, 1272893353) ;&H4BDECFA9
MD5_c = MD5_HH(MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_x(k + 7), 16, -155497632) ;&HF6BB4B60
MD5_b = MD5_HH(MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_x(k + 10), 23, -1094730640) ;&HBEBFBC70
MD5_a = MD5_HH(MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_x(k + 13), 4, 681279174) ;&H289B7EC6
MD5_d = MD5_HH(MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_x(k + 0), 11, -358537222) ;&HEAA127FA
MD5_c = MD5_HH(MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_x(k + 3), 16, -722521979) ;&HD4EF3085
MD5_b = MD5_HH(MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_x(k + 6), 23, 76029189) ;&H4881D05
MD5_a = MD5_HH(MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_x(k + 9), 4, -640364487) ;&HD9D4D039
MD5_d = MD5_HH(MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_x(k + 12), 11, -421815835) ;&HE6DB99E5
MD5_c = MD5_HH(MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_x(k + 15), 16, 530742520) ;&H1FA27CF8
MD5_b = MD5_HH(MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_x(k + 2), 23, -995338651) ;&HC4AC5665
;Round 4
MD5_a = MD5_II(MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_x(k + 0), 6, -198630844) ;&HF4292244
MD5_d = MD5_II(MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_x(k + 7), 10, 1126891415) ;&H432AFF97
MD5_c = MD5_II(MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_x(k + 14), 15, -1416354905) ;&HAB9423A7
MD5_b = MD5_II(MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_x(k + 5), 21, -57434055) ;&HFC93A039
MD5_a = MD5_II(MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_x(k + 12), 6, 1700485571) ;&H655B59C3
MD5_d = MD5_II(MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_x(k + 3), 10, -1894986606) ;&H8F0CCC92
MD5_c = MD5_II(MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_x(k + 10), 15, -1051523) ;&HFFEFF47D
MD5_b = MD5_II(MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_x(k + 1), 21, -2054922799) ;&H85845DD1
MD5_a = MD5_II(MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_x(k + 8), 6, 1873313359) ;&H6FA87E4F
MD5_d = MD5_II(MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_x(k + 15), 10, -30611744) ;&HFE2CE6E0
MD5_c = MD5_II(MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_x(k + 6), 15, -1560198380 );&HA3014314
MD5_b = MD5_II(MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_x(k + 13), 21, 1309151649) ;&H4E0811A1
MD5_a = MD5_II(MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_x(k + 4), 6, -145523070) ;&HF7537E82
MD5_d = MD5_II(MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_x(k + 11), 10, -1120210379) ;&HBD3AF235
MD5_c = MD5_II(MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_b, MD5_x(k + 2), 15, 718787259) ;&H2AD7D2BB
MD5_b = MD5_II(MD5_b, MD5_c, MD5_d, MD5_a, MD5_x(k + 9), 21, -343485551) ;&HEB86D391

MD5_a = MD5_a + MD5_AA
MD5_b = MD5_b + MD5_BB
MD5_c = MD5_c + MD5_CC
MD5_d = MD5_d + MD5_DD

Return Lower(WordToHex$(MD5_a) + WordToHex$(MD5_b) + WordToHex$(MD5_c) + WordToHex$(MD5_d))
End Function

Function MD5_F(x, y, z)
Return (x And y) Or (~(x) And z)
End Function

Function MD5_G(x, y, z)
Return (x And z) Or (y And (~(z)))
End Function

Function MD5_H(x, y, z)
Return (x Xor y Xor z)
End Function

Function MD5_I(x, y, z)
Return (y Xor (x Or (~(z))))
End Function

Function MD5_FF(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac)
a = (a + ((MD5_F(b, c, d)+ x)+ ac))
a = RotateLeft(a, s)
Return a + b
End Function

Function MD5_GG(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac)
a = (a + ((MD5_G(b, c, d) + x) + ac))
a = RotateLeft(a, s)
Return a + b
End Function

Function MD5_HH(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac)
a = (a + ((MD5_H(b, c, d) + x) + ac))
a = RotateLeft(a, s)
Return a + b
End Function

Function MD5_II(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac)
a = (a + ((MD5_I(b, c, d) + x) + ac))
a = RotateLeft(a, s)
Return a + b
End Function

Function RotateLeft(lValue, iShiftBits)
Return (lValue Shl iShiftBits) Or (lValue Shr (32 - iShiftBits))
End Function

Function WordToHex$(lValue)
For lCount = 0 To 3
lByte = (lValue Shr lCount * 8) And 255
ToHex$ = ToHex$ + Right("0" + Hex$(lByte), 2)
Return ToHex$
End Function

Function BlitzGet (webFile$, saveDir$, saveFile$)

    ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; Strip "http://" if provided
    ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    If Left (webFile$, 7) = "http://" Then webFile$ = Right (webFile$, Len (webFile$) - 7)

    ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; Split into hostname and path/filename to download
    ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    slash = Instr (webFile$, "/")
    If slash
        webHost$ = Left (webFile$, slash - 1)
        webFile$ = Right (webFile$, Len (webFile$) - slash + 1)
        webHost$ = webFile$
        webFile$ = "/"
    ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; Add trailing slash to download dir if not given
    ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    If Right (saveDir$, 1) <> "\" Then saveDir$ = saveDir$ + "\"

    ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; Save filename -- get from webFile$ if not provided
    ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    If saveFile$ = ""
        If webFile = "/"
            saveFile$ = "Unknown file.txt"
            For findSlash = Len (webFile$) To 1 Step - 1
                testForSlash$ = Mid (webFile$, findSlash, 1)
                If testForSlash$ = "/"
                    saveFile$ = Right (webFile$, Len (webFile$) - findSlash)
            If saveFile$ = "" Then saveFile$ = "Unknown file.txt"

    ; DEBUG
    ; RuntimeError "Web host: " + webHost$ + Chr (10) + "Web file: " + webFile$ + Chr (10) + "Save dir: " + saveDir$ + Chr (10) + "Save file: " + saveFile$

    www = OpenTCPStream (webHost$, 80)

    If www
        WriteLine www, "GET " + webFile$ + " HTTP/1.1" ; GET / gets default page...
        WriteLine www, "Host: " + webHost$
        WriteLine www, "User-Agent: BlitzGet Deluxe"
        WriteLine www, "Accept: */*"
        WriteLine www, ""
        ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        ; Find blank line after header data, where the action begins...
        ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------

            header$ = ReadLine (www)

            reply$ = ""
            pos = Instr (header$, ": ")
            If pos
                reply$ = Left (header$, pos + 1)

            Select Lower (reply$)
                Case "content-length: "
                    bytesToRead = ReplyContent (header$, reply$)
                Case "date: "
                    date$ = ReplyContent (header$, reply$)
                Case "server: "
                    server$ = ReplyContent (header$, reply$)
                Case "content-type: "
                    contentType$ = ReplyContent (header$, reply$)
                    If gotReply = 0 Then initialReply$ = header$: gotReply = 1
            End Select

            ;DisplayResponse ()

        Until header$ = "" Or (Eof (www))
        If bytesToRead = 0 Then Goto skipDownLoad
        ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        ; Create new file to write downloaded bytes into
        ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        save = WriteFile (saveDir$ + saveFile$)
        If Not save Then Goto skipDownload

        ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        ; Incredibly complex download-to-file routine...
        ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        For readWebFile = 1 To bytesToRead
            If Not Eof (www) Then WriteByte save, ReadByte (www)
            ; Call BytesReceived with position and size every 100 bytes (slows down a LOT with smaller updates)
            tReadWebFile = readWebFile
            ;If tReadWebFile Mod 100 = 0 Then BytesReceived (readWebFile, bytesToRead)


        CloseFile save
        ; Fully downloaded?
        If (readWebFile - 1) = bytesToRead
            success = 1
        ; Final update (so it's not rounded to nearest 100 bytes!)
        ;BytesReceived (bytesToRead, bytesToRead)
        CloseTCPStream www
        ;RuntimeError "Failed to connect"
    Return success
End Function

Function ReplyContent$ (header$, reply$)
    Return Right (header$, Len (header$) - Len (reply$))
End Function

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Arton (29.01.2014), impersonalis (29.01.2014), Randomize (29.01.2014)