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Старый 14.03.2019, 12:20   #25
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Ответ: Куда перейти с Blitz3D ?

Эх, чуть не опоздал

Сообщение от Randomize Посмотреть сообщение
Язык программирования, используемый в годоте не идёт ни в какое сравнение с шарпом,
Да сколько можно...
GdScript и C# - официально поддерживаемые языки

Не официальные (через модули):
- С++
- Python
- F#
- Rust
- Nim
- Go
- D
- Lua
- Ruby
- Haskell
- JavaScript/TypeScript

Сообщение от Randomize Посмотреть сообщение
возможности среды и движка тоже не терпят сравнения с тем, что предлагает юнити.

Ну я не знаю чего такого еще может не хватать?
Ты видел? там даже "спайн" встроенный есть!

Сообщение от Randomize Посмотреть сообщение
Ну и самое главное - маленькое комьюнити, а значит это сорт-оф блиц3д.
Сообщество сейчас растет как на дрожжах
не как у юнити, конечно, но больше чем у cryengine например.

Сообщение от Randomize Посмотреть сообщение
Ну ежели ставить вопрос ребром: ни блиц, ни унити, ни udk, ни cry engine, то, наверное, таки стоит взять Godot, потому, что тупо нет альтернатив.
И уповать на то, что на пути не встретятся непреодолимые баги
Рандомэ, я уверен, что ты просто не в теме.
Посмотри на чейнджлог (это изменения только между версиеями 3.0 и 3.1 )

[3.1] - 2019-03-13

OpenGL ES 2.0 renderer.
Visual shader editor.
New PBR output nodes.
Conversion between Vector3 and scalar types is now automatic.
Ability to create custom nodes via scripting.
Ports can now be previewed.
3D soft body physics.
3D ragdoll system.
Constructive solid geometry in 3D.
2D meshes and skeletal deformation.
Various improvements to KinematicBody2D.
Support for snapping the body to the floor.
Support for RayCast shapes in kinematic bodies.
Support for synchronizing kinematic movement to physics, avoiding an one-frame delay.
WebSockets support using libwebsockets.
UPnP support using MiniUPnP.
Revamped inspector.
Improved visualization and editing of numeric properties.
Vector and matrix types can now be edited directly (no pop-ups).
Subresources can now be edited directly within the same inspector.
Layer names can now be displayed in the inspector.
Proper editing of arrays and dictionaries.
Ability to reset any property to its default value.
Improved animation editor.
Simpler, less cluttered layout.
New Bezier, Audio and Animation tracks.
Several key types can be previewed directly in the track editor.
Tracks can now be grouped and filtered on a per-node basis.
Copying and pasting tracks between animations is now possible.
New Capture mode to blend from a node's current value to the first key in a track.
Improved animation tree and new state machine.
More visual feedback in the blend tree editor.
1D and 2D blend spaces are now supported.
Ability to write custom blending logic.
Support for root motion.
New FileSystem dock.
Unified view of folders and files in the same panel.
Files can now be marked as favorites, not only folders.
Files now have icons representing their type, or thumbnail previews when relevant.
New search field to filter entries in the tree.
OpenSimplexNoise and NoiseTexture resources.
Optional static typing in GDScript.
Does not currently improve performance, but helps write more robust code.
Warning system in GDScript.
Reports potential code issues such as:
unused variables,
standalone expressions,
discarded return values from functions,
unreachable code after a return statement,

Warnings can be disabled in the Project Settings or by writing special comments.
GDScript keyword class_name to register scripts as classes.
Simple expression language independent from GDScript, used by inspector boxes that accept numeric values.
Can also be used in projects.
C# projects can now be exported for Windows, Linux, and macOS targets.
The server platform is back as it was in Godot 2.1.
It is now again possible to run a headless Godot instance on Linux.
Support for BPTC texture compression on desktop platforms.
New properties for SpatialMaterial.
Dithering-based distance fade, for fading materials without making them transparent.
Disable ambient light on a per-material basis.
Option to link Mono statically on Windows.
Unified class and reference search in the editor.
Revamped TileSet editor with support for undo/redo operations.
Various quality-of-life improvements to the Polygon2D and TextureRegion editors.
RandomNumberGenerator class that allows for multiple instances at once.
Array methods min() and max() to return the smallest and largest value respectively.
Dictionary method get(key[, default]) where default is returned if the key does not exist.
Node method print_tree_pretty() to print a graphical view of the scene tree.
String methods trim_prefix(), trim_suffix(), lstrip(), rstrip().
OS methods:
get_system_time_msecs(): Return the system time with milliseconds.
get_audio_driver_name() and get_audio_driver_count() to query audio driver information.
get_video_driver_count() and get_video_driver_name() to query renderer information.
center_window(): Center the window on the screen.
move_window_to_foreground(): Move the window to the foreground.
StreamPeerTCP method set_no_delay() to enable the TCP_NODELAY option.
EditorPlugin method remove_control_from_container().
Ability to set Godot windows as "always on top".
Ability to create windows with per-pixel transparency.
New GLSL built-in functions in the shader language:
New command-line options:
--build-solutions: Build C# solutions without starting the editor.
--print-fps: Display frames per second to standard output.
--quit: Quit the engine after the first main loop iteration.
Debugger button to copy error messages.
Support for .escn scenes has been added for use with the new Blender exporter.
It is now possible to scale an OBJ mesh when importing.
popup_closed signal for ColorPickerButton.
Methods that are deprecated can now print warnings.
Input actions can now provide an analog value.
Input actions can now be mapped to either a specific device or all devices.
DNS resolution for high-level networking.
Servers can now kick/disconnect peers in high-level networking.
Servers can now access IP and port information of peers in high-level networking.
High-level multiplayer API decoupled from SceneTree (see SceneTree.multiplayer_api/SceneTree.custom_multiplayer_api), can now be extended.
Input.set_default_cursor_shape() to change the default shape in the viewport.
Custom cursors can now be as large as 256×256 (needed to be exactly 32×32 before).
Support for radio-looking items with icon in PopupMenus.
Drag and drop to rearrange Editor docks.
TileSet's TileMode is now exposed to GDScript.
OS.get_ticks_usec() is now exposed to GDScript.
Normals can now be flipped when generated via SurfaceTool.
TextureProgress bars can now be bilinear (extending in both directions).
The character used for masking secrets in LineEdit can now be changed.
Improved DynamicFont:
DynamicFonts can now use high-quality outlines generated by FreeType.
DynamicFonts can now have their anti-aliasing disabled.
DynamicFonts can now have their hinting tweaked ("Normal", "Light" or "None").
Colored glyphs such as emoji are now supported.
Universal translation of touch input to mouse input.
AudioStreamPlayer, AudioStreamPlayer2D, and AudioStreamPlayer3D now have a pitch scale property.
Support for MIDI input.
Support for audio capture from microphones.
Selected tiles can be moved in the tile map editor.
The editor can now be configured to display the project window on the previous or next monitor (relative to the editor).
If either end is reached, then the project will start on the last or first monitor (respectively).
Signal in VideoPlayer to notify when the video finished playing.
Image.bumpmap_to_normalmap() to convert bump maps to normal maps.
File.get_path() and File.get_path_absolute().
Unselected tabs in the editor now have a subtle background for easier identification.
The depth fog's end distance is now configurable independently of the far plane distance.
The alpha component of the fog color can now be used to control fog density.
The 3D editor's information panel now displays the camera's coordinates.
New options to hide the origin and viewport in the 2D editor.
Improved 3D editor grid:
The grid size and number of subdivisions can now be configured.
Its primary and secondary colors can now also be changed.
Ctrl now toggles snapping in the 3D viewport.
Find & replace in files (Ctrl + Shift + F by default).
Batch node renaming tool (Ctrl + F2 by default).
More editor scaling options to support HiDPI displays.
Type icons can now be enabled in the editor again.
Buttons in the editor to open common directories in the OS file manager:
project data directory,
user data directory,
user settings directory.
Projects can now be sorted by name or modification date in the project manager.
Projects can now be imported from ZIP archives in the project manager.
Improved autocompletion.
Keywords are now present in autocompletion results.
editor and standalone feature tags to check whether the project is running from an editor or non-editor binary.
android_add_asset_dir("...") method to Android module Gradle build configuration.
iOS: Support for exporting to the iPhone X.
iOS: Readded support for in-app purchases.


Built-in vector types now use copy-on-write mode as originally intended, resulting in increased engine performance.
The mbedtls library is now used instead of OpenSSL.
Renamed several core files.
Third-party modules may have to be updated to reflect this.
SSL certificates are now bundled in exported projects unless a custom bundle is specified.
Improved buffer writing performance on Windows and Linux.
Removed many debugging prints in the console.
Export templates now display an error dialog if no project was found when starting.
DynamicFont oversampling is now enabled by default.
Nodes' internal logic now consistently use internal physics processing.
Allow attaching and clearing scripts on multiple nodes at once.
Default values are no longer saved in scene and resource files.
The selection rectangle of 2D nodes is now hidden when not pertinent (no more rectangle for collision shapes).
SSE2 is now enabled in libsquish, resulting in improved S3TC encoding performance.
Tangent and binormal coordinates are now more consistent across mesh types (primitive/imported), resulting in more predictable normal map and depth map appearance.
Better defaults for 3D scenes.
The default procedural sky now has a more neutral blue tone.
The default SpatialMaterial now has a roughness value of 1 and metallic value of 0.
The fallback material now uses the same values as the default SpatialMaterial.
Text editor themes are now sorted alphabetically in the selection dropdown.
The 3D manipulator gizmo now has a smoother, more detailed appearance.
The 3D viewport menu button now has a background to make it easier to read.
QuadMeshes are now built using two triangles (6 vertices) instead of one quad (4 vertices).
This was done because quads are deprecated in OpenGL.
Controls inside containers are no longer movable or resizable but can still be selected.
The is GDScript keyword can now be used to compare a value against built-in types.
Exported variables with type hints are now always initialized.
For example, export(int) var a will be initialized to 0.
Named enums in GDScript no longer create script constants.
This means enum Name { VALUE } must now be accessed with Name.VALUE instead of VALUE.
Cyclic references to other scripts with preload() are no longer allowed.
load() should be used in at least one of the scripts instead.
switch, case and do are no longer reserved identifiers in GDScript.
Shadowing variables from parent scopes is no longer allowed in GDScript.
Function parameters' default values can no longer depend on other parameters in GDScript.
Indentation guides are now displayed in a more subtle way in the script editor.
Indentation guides are now displayed when indenting using spaces.
Multi-line strings are now highlighted as strings rather than as comments in the script editor.
This is because GDScript does not officially support multiline comments.
Increased the script editor's line spacing (4 pixels → 6 pixels).
Increased the caret width in the script editor (1 pixel → 2 pixels).
The project manager window is now resized to match the editor scale.
The asset library now makes use of threading, making loading more responsive.
Line spacing in the script editor, underlines and caret widths are now resized to match the editor scale.
Replaced editor icons for checkboxes and radio buttons with simpler designs.
Tweaked the editor's success, error, and warning text colors for better readability and consistency.
Android: Custom permissions are now stored in an array and their amount is no longer limited to 20.
Custom permissions will have to be redefined in projects imported from older versions.
Android: Provide error details when an in-app purchase fails.
Linux: OS.alert() now uses Zenity or KDialog if available instead of xmessage.
Mono: Display stack traces for inner exceptions.
Mono: Bundle mscorlib.dll with Godot to improve portability.


Removed the RtAudio backend on Windows in favor of WASAPI, which is the default since 3.0.
macOS: Support for 32-bit and fat binaries.


move_and_slide() now behaves differently at low velocities, which makes it function as originally intended.
AnimatedSprite2D's animation_finished signal is now triggered at the end of the animation, instead of as soon as the last frame displays.
Audio buses can now be removed in the editor while they are used by AudioStreamPlayer2D/3D nodes.
Do not show the project manager unless no project was found at all.
The animation editor time offset indicator no longer "walks" when resizing the editor.
Allow creation of a built-in GDScript file even if the filename suggested already exists.
Show tooltips in the editor when physics object picking is disabled.
Button shortcuts can now be triggered by gamepad buttons.
Fix a serialization bug that could cause TSCN files to grow very large.
Gizmos are now properly hidden on scene load if the object they control is hidden.
Camera gizmos in the 3D viewport no longer look twice as wide as they actually are.
Copy/pasting from the editor on X11 will now work more reliably.
libgcc_s and libstdc++ are now linked statically for better Linux binary portability.
The FPS cap set by force_fps in the Project Settings is no longer applied to the editor.
Low FPS caps no longer cause the editor to feel sluggish.
hiDPI is now detected and used if needed in the project manager.
The Visual Studio Code external editor option now recognizes more binary names such as code-oss, making detection more reliable.
The -ffast-math flag is no longer used when compiling Godot, resulting in increased floating-point determinism.
Fix spelling of apply_torque_impulse() and deprecate the misspelled method.
Escape sequences like \n and \t are now recognized in CSV translation files.
Remove spurious errors when using a PanoramaSky without textures.
The lightmap baker will now use all available cores on Windows.
Bullet physics now correctly calculates effective gravity on KinematicBodies.
Setting the color v member now correctly sets the s member.
RichTextLabels now correctly determine the baseline for all fonts.
SpinBoxes now correctly calculate their initial size.
OGG streams now correctly signal the end of playback.
Android exporter no longer writes unnecessary permissions to the exported APK.
Debugger "focus stealing" now works more reliably.
Subresources are now always saved when saving a scene.
Many fixes related to importers (glTF, Collada, audio), physics (Bullet), Mono/C#, GDNative, Android/iOS.
Mono: Many fixes and improvements to C# support (including a [Signal] attribute).
WebAssembly: Supply proper CORS headers.


Fixed a security issue relating to deserializing Variants.


Какой еще движок может похвастаться таким ростом?

Последний раз редактировалось ant0N, 14.03.2019 в 16:45.
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Артем Валерьевич (21.03.2019), Arton (14.03.2019)